Things are getting so vile and dangerous that I no longer know what to do.
The United States government has been pulled out of every global partnership possible.
DEI programs have been eliminated.
Transgender youth and their families are being threatened with death.
The SAFE act is being passed by individual states to force women back into the home and into complete obedience to their husbands. It may become a federal law.
LGBTQ people are under threat in more states than I can count, and federal laws that protected their equal rights are on the chopping block.
International students, instructors, physicians and corporate experts here on student and work visas are being grabbed it of classrooms and off the street and deported. Some are leaving before they can be arrested.
Career civil servants are being fired en masse. Some are being doxxed for speaking out.
This is creating a brain drain from which we may not recover in my lifetime.
Congress has been told to vote for Trump’s policies or face the ends of their political careers and even physical injury or death.
President Trump is now openly defying the judiciary.
Musk and his tech kids are attacking the computer files of Social Security, Medicaid, Medicare and the Department of Defense, with a goal of dismantling those organizations into oblivion and starving Americans into submission and death.
I do not exaggerate.
This is real, and it is happening.
The only question that remains is:
What will American citizens DO about any of it?
Will hundreds of thousands gather at town halls, in state capitals and on the National Mall, to protest and fight and bring this madness to a halt?
Or will we continue to distract ourselves with the hobbies and sporting events and movies that keep us drugged and submissive?
Will we keep telling ourselves that the courts will bring us back to common sense?
(Once Trump openly defies the Supreme Court, it is all over.)
I am coming to believe that the only thing that will save this country is a mass uprising on a scale that hasn’t been seen since the first March On Washington back in the 1960s. Dozens or hundreds won’t cut it. It will have to be hundreds of thousands, or millions, to make a dent.
But today, with that scale comes greater risk.
More Americans are armed than ever before, and more gun-owners are willing to shoot other human beings than ever before.
Fighting back today means the real risk of getting killed.
January 6 will have been a cakewalk compared to what’s coming next, and law enforcement won’t be able to protect us.
See, people keep NOT saying these things in the hopes that everything will get better on its own, or because by not saying them, then none of it is really happening.
But it is all happening.
And keeping quiet about it isn’t working.
Distracting ourselves isn’t working.
When they come for us, what will we do?
How will we respond?
How many of us are willing to risk it all to save the country for ourselves and our children?
This is the central question of our lives right now.
Or it should be.
Who are your people?
Where can you go to be safer?
If you cannot go anywhere else, where and how will you hide, and will there be room for anyone else to hide with you? What will you live on and how will you prepare?
If you are elderly or disabled, how will you come to terms with the real possibility that you won’t survive what comes next? How will you prepare your loved ones for that very real possibility?
If you have minor children or grandchildren in your care, have you made plans for where they will go and who will care for them in the event of your death?
This is not going to end easily, or well.
The only question that remains is how each of us and all of us will respond to conditions on the ground in real time.
I accept the likelihood that if and when things get much worse, I WILL DIE.
I accept the likelihood that when things get much worse, I won’t have anywhere to hide out safely or in the long term. Access to medications and healthcare, food and water, will diminish. My passport won’t guarantee safe passage to anywhere else, because I don’t have the means to go anywhere else. I’m disabled and in my sixties, and I’m operating under NO illusions.
So don’t look for anymore distractions here at this blog. Until the big questions are answered and acted upon, there’s no longer any room for distractions, no more bread and circuses. The super-rich white men in power want the rest of us to die, or to be worked to death; and very soon they won’t bother to mask their intentions with fake politics. Our age is nothing special. The middle class was a blip on the radar and will end soon. Once again, we will return to the brutal economics of having to kill, or be killed.
It will be no time for pacifists.
I’m a pacifist, and I accept that if I cannot or will not kill, then I will be killed. I am having conversations with my immortality every day.
This viewpoint is not a failure of my mental health meds or the absence of counseling.
This is the reality right now in the United States in 2025, and no one will escape it. So I am talking out loud about it, and I hope the rest of you will do the same.