The weather here was looking towards spring, but then suddenly turned bitter cold again last week. I came back from a conference to find high temps in the upper 30sF and a cold mix of rain and snow.
Yesterday, I'd had enough. An opportunity to enjoy brunch at my sister's inspired me to ride to the light-rail station, hop on MAX, and ride from Gateway to her house. We enjoyed bagels and schmear, some sister time together, and snuggles with her cat.
In spite of how the cold made my knees creak and even ache a little, it felt good to ride again after nearly three weeks off my bike. I enjoyed views of a fogged-in Rocky Butte, and stopped for coffee on the way home to make it an off-season Coffeeneuring ride.

Today I awoke to even colder temps and a dusting of snow on the ground.
This cold snap will be with us a little while longer, with highs in the mid 40s and lows below freezing every night this week.
Tomorrow I'll try another little bike ride, even if it's just to the corner store and back.
Because riding beats cabin fever.
Rubber side down, kids!
You are so right...Riding beats cabin fever every time..👍
Until it doesn't. Today I am laid low by the expenditure of energy, resulting in massive waves of auto-immune system fatigue. This happens, especially in the colder months of the year.
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