Saturday, June 15, 2024

Coffee Outside 6-15-24: Peninsula Park

I made my way carefully to Peninsula Park for Coffee Outside this morning. The weather was cool and occasionally a little rainy, and I stuck to residential side streets so I could ride slowly and carefully.
Balance issues continue to bother me periodically when I ride, so I tend to keep my rides short and mellow.
We had a nice gathering of folks, some bringing coffee and others brewing on site.
There was a softball tournament in progress, and we could watch the goings on from the gazebo.
A couple of dogs accompanied their people, and were very friendly. 
It was lovely to see friends and enjoy a cool early summer morning. Peninsula Park’s Rose Garden s in full bloom right now and the colors were gorgeous against a swirling, blue-gray sky.
There’s also another Coffee Outside today on Ainsworth, going on till 3pm, at a coffeehouse that’s celebrating an anniversary; but one ride was enough for me and I went home for a nap.

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