Monday, September 16, 2024

Coffeeneuring returns! The 14th annual Coffeeneuring Challenge begins Oct 6

The 14th annual Coffeeneuring Challenge returns October 6.

This is your opportunity to keep riding after the rainy season gets underway, meet friends for a tasty cuppa and enjoy the season from the saddle of your bicycle.

My miles aren’t impressive anymore, but they are still lovely.

Prizes available for finishers who log their rides and follow the rules.

Or you can just log your rides and have fun.

Details here:

Due to the High Holy Days, I’ll get a slightly later start this year. But I should still be able to make my rides happen, especially if Coffee Outside is happening in places I can get to easily. (The Council Crest ride two weeks ago was, frankly, unrealistic for someone like me. LOL.)

So get out your rain gear and patch the holes, put a dab of Proofhide on your saddlebag straps, make sure your fenders are solid (in Oregon, fenders stay on most bikes year round), and start planning your coffee stops.

Happy riding!

(Photo: the Rivvy in 2016. Since then, the shifters have moved to near the grips, the grips have been replaced at least twice and the basket has been replaced/upgraded. I’m especially hard on baskets and this bike is on its third since I’ve had it. But it remains a lovely ride.)

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Citybikes is dead. I’m not sorry.

This just in, from — 

I’m not entirely shocked. Once the sale of the Annex building was complete, there was no longer a reason for the three remaining owners to pretend to play Bike Shop anymore. They made their mint, and all that remains is for them to pay the outstanding bills, divide up the spoils and throw themselves a little party.

The sale of the Annex gives them a little time to figure out what to do with the Mother Ship (the original location on Ankeny near SE 20th). Considering the condition of that building, a house built in 1896 and slowly dilapidating in real time, I’d guess they can just sell it as is to a developer for cash and walk away.

The fifty or so former owners will never see a dime, because the founders never considered the possibility of such a thing ever happening. They were young and idealistic and naive, and never wrote anything into the bylaws about an equitable distribution of assets in the event the business closed down. I suppose they expected it to continue into perpetuity. When you’re in your twenties, maybe you can’t imagine that any idea this good would ever end.

And so, three people (who all became owners long after I left) will stand to gain many, many thousands of dollars each, a nice nest egg that cannot be legally challenged. And the sweat of all the former owners will not matter, now or ever.

I admit to a little bit of schadenfreude here. Considering my history with Citybikes, it’s understandable.

We’d had all kinds of time to consider the issue and write an amendment to then laws which would have respected the sweat equity of everyone who’d ever been an owner in the cooperative’s nearly 35-year history. Instead, the idea was discussed, the ball was dropped, and never picked up again. I still have the meeting notes that prove it, though honestly I suppose I could toss them by now since nothing ever came of the discussion. Instead, time and hubris brought us to where we are today. 

I never expected Citybikes to provide me with a meaningful “retirement” and that’s why I’m not feeling especially sad or angry about today’s announcement. I probably stayed too long, but only because I loved repairing bicycles and I loved getting folks excited about commuting by bike. But a career in the bicycle industry is primarily a career for young people with strong hands, and there is very little precedent for a retail bike shop to create meaningful, living-age positions for very many older workers as they age. I also figured out very quickly that a cooperative is not a community, and a community is not a family. So when I did leave, I didn’t feel like I was leaving a free-love, hippie commune. It was a business, period.

In retrospect, I probably got out just in time.

Citybikes is dead. And it should stay that way. It’s past time to move on.

Rubber side down, kids.

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Citybikes is ending. Slowly and painfully.

Citybikes, which hasn't been a workers cooperative in some time, is on its final march to the sea.
The Annex building sold a few weeks ago. Three people will become quite comfortable from that sale after all the bills are paid, at the expense of the many former co-owners whose hard work built the business over the last thirty years.
The original location posts hours but does not always honor them.
Today, I found that the web site is down, with only this written in tiny font at the top:

"Please come back later."

Yeah, no.

Is it the fault of the folks who wrote the by-laws back in 1990, and who never created a plan for closing down the business and distributing assets fairly to all former owners? Perhaps, though to be fair they never anticipated an outcome like this when they created an egalitarian workers' cooperative. They were young and a little naive, and everyone who signed on to be part of the co-op was in agreement about sharing resources and profits for the greater good. Most of those people are in their sixties or older now, and the younger generations just aren't buying into peace, love and understanding in the same way. They want what's theirs while there's still a world to spend it in.

Is it the fault of the three younger co-owners, who came on in the years after I left, who forced out (and literally locked out) the fourth remaining co-owner when he wanted to keep the co-op going, and who found a lawyer to be their pit bull against all the outcry? Sure it is. They could have handled this with a lot more maturity and patience, but instead they chose to cash out and take what they could while they could as quickly as they could. Is this indicative of an entire generation of small business owners? No, but it sure does tell me where their values lie. Generationally speaking they're only playing to type.
That doesn't bode well for the future of worker-owned co-ops in general in this country.

Is it the result of trying to run an idealistic co-op in a capitalist economy?
Absolutely. You cannot simultaneously buy into the cooperative ideal and check your self-interest at the door in the United States. It simply cannot be done. The balance will always tilt towards self-interest, and stronger personalities will always prevail against quieter ones. Sorry. This is America and it comes with bags and bags of self-interest woven into its DNA.

There is not one guilty party here.

But when I left in 2012, I knew that after my ownership share was paid back to me, I'd never see another dime. So I left with a clear conscience. Whatever would happen after my departure was not mine to worry about.

Although I no longer worked in a bike shop -- or full time -- ever again, and my personal finances have never been as steady, I dodged a huge bullet by walking away when I did. The longer this collapse takes, the more I see that every day.

I predict that Citybikes will close for good by Christmas.

Hopefully, I'll still be riding a bicycle.

No hard feelings, kids.