Monday, September 16, 2024

Coffeeneuring returns! The 14th annual Coffeeneuring Challenge begins Oct 6

The 14th annual Coffeeneuring Challenge returns October 6.

This is your opportunity to keep riding after the rainy season gets underway, meet friends for a tasty cuppa and enjoy the season from the saddle of your bicycle.

My miles aren’t impressive anymore, but they are still lovely.

Prizes available for finishers who log their rides and follow the rules.

Or you can just log your rides and have fun.

Details here:

Due to the High Holy Days, I’ll get a slightly later start this year. But I should still be able to make my rides happen, especially if Coffee Outside is happening in places I can get to easily. (The Council Crest ride two weeks ago was, frankly, unrealistic for someone like me. LOL.)

So get out your rain gear and patch the holes, put a dab of Proofhide on your saddlebag straps, make sure your fenders are solid (in Oregon, fenders stay on most bikes year round), and start planning your coffee stops.

Happy riding!

(Photo: the Rivvy in 2016. Since then, the shifters have moved to near the grips, the grips have been replaced at least twice and the basket has been replaced/upgraded. I’m especially hard on baskets and this bike is on its third since I’ve had it. But it remains a lovely ride.)

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