Thursday, May 23, 2024

Taking a breath.

So I went to Bike Happy Hour last night.

Thankfully, the focus remained on bicycles and transportation infrastructure.

And I was able to have lovely conversations with all sorts of folks, and my heightened sense of worry calmed down.

Was I over-worrying? Not for me I wasn't. I'm Jewish. I come programmed with a heightened sense of worry around being Jewish. This heightened worry may be partly a condition of my DNA, and partly a result of the antisemitism I've experienced in my lifetime, and there is probably nothing I can do to change that very much.

But last night I got to ride my bike, and hang with bike people and that helped me take a breath.

I'll ride my bike again today and hopefully tomorrow as well, and perhaps if I keep riding I can keep taking breaths.

I recognize that this will not change anything in the larger world. I cannot fix the larger world. All I can do is do what I can here in my little corner. And if that's not enough, it's still something.

Happy riding.

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