April 20: The first of two days spent finishing tune-ups for Catholic Charities refuge resettlement project. So my rides were test rides of the finished bikes. Today, an entry-level city bike that rode surprisingly well after a tune-up.

April 21: The first of two rides was a test ride on an old Fisher mountain bike that Kai at Upcycles gave me. It needed a lot of parts, all of which I had at home; so I finished building it up, and of course I swapped out the plastic grip shifters or some basic metal [friction] thumb shifters. MUCH better now.

Fender hack. I LOVE zip-ties.

Capped corks from old bottles of port make great handlebar plugs. Wrap a layer or three of tape around the cork so it fits snugly inside steel upright bars.

April 22: Ridden afternoon of April 21 in anticipation of not being able to ride tomorrow.
(my 30 days, my rules.)
A nice, sunny loop to and from Velo Cult Bike Shop, where there's always something interesting to see. This trip it included a couple of nice Rawland touring frames; an antique tricycle and an absolutely stunning 2009 rando bike from MAP Cycles (aka Mitch Pryor). Bike porn is good for the soul. Enjoy, and I'll see you on Sunday.

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