Sunday Parkways returns to Portland's neighborhoods for a 12th summer of walking, skating and biking fun. I will return for MY 12th season as a Mobile Mechanic (see photo, above, from my second year as a Parkways volunteer. I'm honored that it's used as the header for the Mobile Mechanic section at the Parkways web site.).
Sunday Parkways dates and route information.
Sunday Parkways thrives each year thanks to a vast network of VOLUNTEERS like me -- and perhaps like you too!
All volunteers receive a free t-shirt and endless water and snacks. A shift lasts 3.5 hours, and you are welcome to sign up for more than one.
There are a ZILLION tasks that need doing to ensure that Parkways is safe and fun for everyone, and there is probably something on the list that you can handle especially well. (If you're a sit-around-and-chill kind of person, PERFECT! Be an Intersection Superhero. You basically guard an intersection, hep the flow of traffic remain smooth, and help the occasional lost person find their way again. You provide your own lawn chair, cooler, hat and sunscreen. Bring a friend and share the mellow vibe.)
The first Sunday Parkways covers a 7-mile loop in Southeast Portland, Sunday May 19. Tell your friends!
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