Saturday, August 24, 2024

Seen by bike: a ride report in photos

As you know, I’m not riding as ambitiously or as often as I did before the pandemic, 

Long Covid kept me off my bike for more than two years. Every time I tried to ride I’d get dizzy and have to walk the bike home. As I slowly recovered from Long Covid, most of my symptoms faded, except for the balance issues which are still a nuisance. I can ride again, but only for short distances.

So my post-lockdown rides are neighborhood rides. That’s not a bad thing. Riding hyper locally allows me to see where I live in a more intimate way. Slow riding gives me time to take in the scenery and enjoy the colors and the gentle breeze as I roll along. If I get dizzy, I stop, get off and walk my bike or just sit for a little while. None of my rides are ever more than two or three miles, and that’s okay too.

Today’s ride was on a lovely, deliciously cool summer day. Temperatures will warm up again later next week, so I have really enjoyed this respite from the heat.

Happy riding.

A really awesome solution to a broken swing platform.

A fabulous tree fort. Lucky kids.

A stop at ReClaim It! To see what interestingness has been salvaged has been gleaned from the dump.

The table is a winner, and a total laugh. As if the previous owner will lend any cache to a large, unwanted dining room table. Please.

More Alberta District home decor.

A sweet little skate park that must have gone in recently. I’d never seen it before.
If I still rode a skateboard, I’d be tempted to try this one. It’s really cute, and the curves look doable even by some beginners.

As with most of my bike rides these days, this one will be followed up by a little nap.

Monday, August 19, 2024

Doesn't everyone stare at their lovely bike now and then?

At the end of a nice ride, sometimes I sit and relax and stare at my lovely bike.
For half an hour.
I can’t be the only one.