Monday, September 16, 2024

When nobody local carries what I need, don’t complain if I buy it online.

A nice ride, mostly to get away from the noise of roof replacement.

My pump strap, which is over 30 years old, is biting the dust. I sewed it a few times to hold it together, and then the strap material began to disintegrate, making the stitches pointless. I made some kludgy repairs with layers of duct and metal tape, which looked ugly and was barely functional.

Then I set out to buy a new one at a local bike shop.

I went to three different shops. None of them carried such an item anymore. 

After my third shop, I gave up, went home, and searched for it online. Happily, Jandd Mountaineering, an established maker of bike and hiking bags and accessories since the early 1990s — and whose web site still looks like a 1995 web site — had some in stock, and was offering them on sale at less than $4 each. The postage was a little more than the item, but by then I didn’t care. 

I gave it my best shot.

The internet killed local brick and mortar bike shops years ago. My online purchase won’t change that, any more than buying a single item locally would slow it down. That’s just the way it is. And next week, I’ll have a new pump strap to replace the one I wore out.

Some mountains are impossible to die on.

Happy riding.

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