This is Judi, clad in her DrunkCyclist jersey.

(DC still has a few of these available (I got mine!); once they're gone they're gone so get one soon.)
Judi CAN smile, but this is definitely more like her game face.
My prediction: Judi will basically bring Ohio to its knees this weekend.
Kill it, girlfriend. Total Monstah.
Second of all, a large shout out to my teammates on Team Slow, some of whom have been riding hard since the early spring (while yours truly has slaved away in the gym and done way too much cargo biking to have an actual interval plan; I'll have some strength, but probably not much speed. Sigh). A few of them are out at PIR tonight, but my schedule and body put the kibosh on that at the last minute.
The PIR short-track series begins Next Freaking Monday Night (!!). Singlespeeds race at 6:30. For better or worse I will be there with them. I hope to have a little quality time with Stompy this weekend, nothing ambitious; just 30 to 60 minutes of off-road goofery to get my sea-legs back under me. I haven't ridden off-road since my trip to Gateway Green back in April.
To get my head into it, I am starting up my Hype Of The Week series again with a short clip of the 2007 SCV drum line warming up with the classic "Electric Wheelchair". Enjoy, and maybe I'll see you at the races!
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