friends of slow ride 12-24-12
Originally uploaded by periwinklekog
In anticipation of the vast amounts of food many members of Team Slow would eat on Christmas Eve, a ride was suggested for the morning (sort of like pre-emptive calorie-burning, though we all know it doesn't really work that way).
Several teammates were in, but none offered a route. So I finally suggested the tried-and-true Smith & Bybee Lakes route, with a stop at Kelley Point Park to check out the Convergence (where the Willamette and Columbia Rivers meet up).
This morning, we met at AJ Cafe (corner of N. Albina and Rosa Parks), fueled up and headed out. While I was happy to see three teammates, I was also glad to meet a bunch of new riders I didn't know, all friends and/or sweeties of my teammates. Word had gotten around and we had at least ten people (maybe more but I never did bother to count) at the start.
It was a perfect day for a winter bike ride. 36F when I left the house around 9:15, and as we rode the loop it warmed up to around 43F, with the sun breaking through the fast-moving clouds and warming our backs. Still, I was glad for the wool knickers and the embrocation on my legs as it was pretty darned cold out.
We stopped to enjoy the view at the Convergence, where southbound Canadian geese could be seen flying overhead; and again for coffee in downtown St. Johns (I was so thankful that Anna's was open -- some places were closed today and I had worried that Starbucks would be our only option).
I wound up staying with a few folks for almost an hour, talking and eating (if you stop in at Anna's for coffee, try the Turkey-avocado-whole wheat sandwich -- heavenly). I had eaten a pretty small breakfast so by the time we got to Anna's I was feeling ravenous. The half-sandwich, coffee and rice krispy trteat did the trick, and gave me enough energy to ride briskly home. My legs felt great, and I enjoyed the feeling of the cold air on my cheeks; but when I got home I was ready for a hot shower and something warm to drink.
More photos of the ride can be found here:
(scroll to the end of the set to find them)
As I type this, nearly two hours after arriving home, there are still patches of blue sky outside but they are being swallowed by clouds; more rain is due tonight and tomorrow it will look as though the sun never came out. A lucky dry day, and a lovely ride! Total 24.1 miles.
If you are celebrating Christmas, have a joyous time!
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