Friday, November 28, 2014

i miss biking

I have spent is entire Thanksgiving week at my in-laws' home in Northern California, visiting with my partner's family. Her parents are elderly; her older brother has spent the week in bed with a cold he caught on his second day here (they got here two days earlier than we did); and their 5th-grrader daightter has been by turns bored, surly, demanding and lonely for peer company (she is an only child of older parents, and my partner and I are childless). There have been walks into town each day, a Thanksgiving meal shared with everyone, and a trip on Thanksgiving morning to deliver meals to the homebound in the community (done by car, of course; there were over twen meals to deliver).

I have not ridden a bicycle since last Saturday. And I am heere until Sunday. This will be an entire week off the bike. Amd I really don't like it one bit. Not riding has made me bored, listless, and a little grumpy. I cannot wait to get home and pull out a bicycle on Monday morning.

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