Monday, September 24, 2018

8th annual Coffeeneuring Challenge begins October 12!

If you follow this blog, you know the drill. Each October since 2010, the fabulous Mary G. has facilitated the annual Coffeeneuring Challenge. The format is simple: 7 rides to a coffee shop of your choice (a different one each time, please), two rides a week, for seven weekends. Document your adventures along the way. Choosing a theme (or a theme-within-a-theme, you multitaskers)
is optional.

I'll be documenting my rides right here at Rancho Beth.

I'm on my own Friday the 12th, but will host the official Portland Coffeeneuring Meetup on Saturday, October 13, 9am at World Cup Coffee & Tea in NW Portland.
Be one of the cool kids by bringing your own reusable mug.

Official Rules can be found HERE.

Happy caffeinating, and happy riding.

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