Two weeks ago, I stood with my feet in the Atlantic Ocean, on an 80-degree day in south Florida.
The water was warm and the humidity was noticeable. I sweated through my shirt.
Spending so much time in summerlike weather in December grew disorienting. Eight days into my tour of central and south Florida I found myself longing for the cold and damp days back home in Portland.
And while I'm grateful for the experience provided by my recent travels, there is nothing like bundling up n layers of wool, reaching for the thick wool cycling hat and throwing a leg over my bike on a December day when the high is in the mid-40s (F).
Today I rode errands, downtown and then to Bike Far to raid the free pile for future refugee bike builds. Along the way I stopped for coffee and lunch and enjoyed sunny views of the Willamette River and Big Pink gleaming in the distance.
It was a glorious day to ride.
Happy Friday, Shabbat Shalom and as ever, keep the rubber side down.
(Below: Peninsula Rose Garden at rest.)

(Below: Downhill towards home, Woodlawn)
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