Monday, October 7, 2024

2024 Coffeeneuring Challenge #1: Neighborhood jaunt

I began my Challenge with a neighborhood jaunt.

I took coffee with me in a thermos so I could sip along the way, and had no destination in mind. 

Did I ride at least two miles? Probably. I haven’t used a cyclometer in years so it’s all guesswork now.

Here are some photos.

Most of my ride was taken n an errand, but ended with a stop at Metropolis Cycles to use the restroom. I was pleasantly surprised to find an old former Citybikes co-worker turning wrenches there. She was glad to see me, and told me that she still enjoyed working on bikes, so she’ll keep doing it awhile longer. (She’s ten years younger than me, and probably in slightly better health, so more power to her.)

I enjoyed taking a look around at some lovely bikes, then rode home.

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